Thursday 12 April 2012

New season's resolutions

I am so relieved to feel that spring is in the air. Just feeling that warm tingle of the sun against my skin fills me with energy and excitement for the year ahead.

I never feel like making resolutions in January as I know that all I really want to do is hibernate under a blanket and watch cheesy TV whilst eating apple crumble and custard. For me, spring is where my year really starts, when I start making plans with Mr S about where we are going camping and booking festival tickets.

So, my new season's resolutions are:

1. Get into blogging properly instead of just reading other people's.
2. Get back on a surfboard (It's been 8 years since I last went on my board- shocking!)
3. Have lots of fun in the sunshine with Mr S and my two lovely children, whenever it shines. That could be gardening, walks in the park, mountain biking, festivals and camping in the van.

In order to address resolution 3, we optimistically bought a new barbeque at Easter and this week I was a bit naughty and ordered a lovely Coleman Event Shelter. I saw a couple of them at friends' houses and at festivals and knew that I needed one of these curvy beauties in our camping kit.

Image courtesy of

and last but not least, in a couple of weeks time we will be taking our lovely yellow vw camper out of hibernation and getting ready for lots of fun adventures? I will be sure to share some pictures of her with you soon.


  1. Argh I can't believe you've got one of these! I was at Jacksons camping shop this morning and we were admiring these, Mr M really wanted one. Have no idea what we would do with it though!

  2. WOOHOO!! Thanks for my first comment on my blog Mrs M, I am well chuffed, especially from such a well renowned blogger!

    We are planning on using the event shelter for BBQ's, for school fairs, to take to festivals so we have somewhere that is dry and shelter from the sun for the kids. We've also got an old table tennis table that I am hoping to start using outside, so hopefully it will be big enough to provide a bit of cover. And it looks so lovely, much prettier than in the picture above.

  3. Yes, they had one out on display at Jacksons and it caught our eye immediately! It was a really good size.

    Good justifying there ;-) I think you'll use it LOADS.
